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Hello! I wanted to play your game, but it seems to have a virus (it may be a false positive). I used VirusTotal to check if there was something suspicious, and this is what it shows.

Ah sorry, was an error exporting in godot. Gonna fix it now. found a reddit thread about it:

(1 edit)

So I looked into doesn't appear to be anything I can do about it except buying a code signing certificate, which is not worth it for a gamejam. This is a false positive problem with godot engine exporting to exes. No Virus. 


Okay, so lots of problems and bugs, but overall I liked it. I think you should keep improving this game if your interested. It is interesting the look. I think you should turn down the fog a bit. It is just too much fog makes it heard to see where your going and hurts eyes I want to see more of the environment a bit. Footsteps too loud, menu doesn't work well in 4k just so you know. The enemy a weird black box pops up when you encounter it. I think it was a bug I couldn't understand what was going on with the game, or what I was suppose to be doing. I think your world is interesting, you move too fast I think. Can you attack? Not sure if I ever died. Needs more feedback to let the player know what is going on. Oh and there was no fall damage from jumping off the tower. It is a great job though I like it. Keep working on it I think you will make it into something interesting.


Oh lots of your problems are coming from 4k. Games only setup to be played 1920x1080 atm. I'll switch it to be playable in both later. Thank you for the feedback though, will def work on the fall damage!

No worries it was still playable just trying to let you know about it. It is easy to do in Unity I am not sure about Godot. I just want you to know of problems just in case you want to continue working on it. Mine will have plenty of problems with it lol I look forward hearing you all tear it apart cuz it want be good lol. It is hard to get something polish and good in that time frame. It is all about just practive and getting better.